Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Daum and FC - that does not fit!

Cologne - One was the coach, the other his extended arm on the pitch. Under Christoph Daum (54) Jens Nowotny (matured 33) in the 90s at Bayer Leverkusen to world-class defender and national players.
Forgetting has "Jenne" FC coach not. On the contrary, he suffers with his former mentor at the moment with a clever ...
"Christopher and the 1.FC Cologne - that does not fit," said Nowotny, the EXPRESS. Although he resigned in January and now successfully runs a marketing agency in Odenthal, he pursued Daum's way in the 2nd League remains. For a year the star has now been coach at FC - but was again disappointed. Only a week ago, known Daum: "I am not able to form a team."
Nowotny knows why: "Christopher is still as before, especially not the same motivator! But he does not reach the players. He needs players who play smart football. "And it is not that smart to give off the court. Nowotny: "The team is not good enough to translate what you want the thumb of her."
Nowotny and Daum - combining old successes. The contact between the two is not demolished and why. In Nowotny's farewell game in Karlsruhe Game Reserve thumb was even the coach. Then we sat together a long time. There was much talk. Also on Daum's situation and the "difficult environment" for FC.
That his mentor could give up one day in Cologne, does not believe Nowotny: "He can not stop, because that would be a personal defeat. And you would never forgive him if he let you down FC ... "
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