Thursday, April 15, 2010

Cocaine worth 40 million euros found

Mainz - A breakdown during transport has bescherrt the police and customs investigators in Rhineland-Palatinate a big discovery: In the Westerwald, the officials put about 200 kilograms of high purity Kokainaus Honduras safe.
The street value of Drogewird to approximately 40 million Euros.
Like the Frankfurt Zollfahndungsamt andthe State Crime (LKA) Rhineland-Palatinate gemeinsammitteilten on Friday, the cocaine was accidentally ended up with a transportation company imRaum Altenkirchen.
The drug was hidden in one of two containers that were shipped to Central America vonHonduras to Antwerp. Vonder Belgian port city of the drugs were then transported by truck to derFirma to Rhineland-Palatinate. While unloading container desersten people found the company in addition to the commodity bestelltenlegalen also eight bags with the cocaine.
The Unternehmenverständigte immediately the police, the cocaine on 5 Junisicherstellte.
The two truck drivers could ausgeschlossenwerden as perpetrators, it says in the statement of LKA and Zollfahndungsamt. DieUntersuchungen currently focused on the reconstruction derTransportwege. Investigators assume that the cocaine in ganzEuropa should be distributed.