Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Weber, now a striker

Dusseldorf - He is right back. And since Friday he has twice as many goals as the full season assault on the account ...
Christian Weber's free-kick seven minutes before the final whistle roared through by all - well almost. Whether Oliver Fink succeeded in turning the ball still was, even the umpteenth slow motion does not explain crucial.
"I wanted the ball just hard to play in the middle, the most dangerous things are," smiled the newcomer. "He was shot so hard that you can credit me the results quiet, even if there was someone on the ball."
It was the reward for a committed second half, after it had previously worked as good as nothing. "The first half was the worst of the season," admitted Weber. With his hammer in the final stage, he corrected them.
More info: 1:1 - Rata and Weber redeem Fortuna> Fortuna makes dolls dance>