Monday, June 14, 2010

T-Mobile mobile phone network was dead for hours

Bonn - It's never been there before. For tens of millions of mobile phone users went from 16 first clock any more. No calls, no SMS, no MMS.
Affected customers of the largest German mobile operator, the Bonn-based company T-Mobile were ". Not until the evening, the state of the network to normal gradually.
For hours on T-Mobile was looking into the cause of the problem. "We can not say what it is," read by speakers of the first group again.
 Then the technicians were finally find. Reason for failure of the D1 network, two of three so-called home location register server (HLR) were. These are the customer, are responsible for the assignment of the T-Mobile phone numbers on the individual SIM cards in mobile phones.
"These servers ensure that the communication between radio masts and mobile phones working," Telekom spokesman Mark Jodel said to EXPRESS.
Against 19, the HLR server clock is reset and again went high. Until all the T-Mobile phones once worked, passed more hours.
If all 39.1 million customers were affected, was still unclear on Tuesday night. In Frankfurt am Main and Hamburg reportedly individual conversations were possible.
The largest dead zone ever. Million people watched on Tuesday asking to your cellphone. In Cologne, stormed numerous clients who had no connection, in the T-Mobile stores and wanted answers.
The control center of the Düsseldorf police on Tuesday evening: "We have not reached two colleagues on call via the phone, but then they got on the landline. This is already our statement. Who's readiness, it must be an alternative available. "
The T-Mobile website broke the meantime under the burden of the calls. There was not only long time, then later found a short message, entitled "Technical failure - a power failure.
Not affected was the work of government in Berlin. "The Chancellor is always available," a government spokesman said in Berlin.
How did you experience the radio hole? Just writing ...

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Knife murder in the stairwell

Aachen - cruel death in Aachen: In the early hours of Saturday has been called the police to an apartment building in the district of "eastern quarter. There, the officials met in the stairwell on the body of a young man. In the dead should be constituted only a 28-year-old act, which came during a knife fight to death, as the prosecution Aachen confirmed on Saturday.
The corpse of the deceased was transferred to Cologne, is now here autopsied in forensic medicine. "Another man was immediately arrested at the scene temporarily. We start from a homicide, "said a spokesman for the Aachen Than police.
About a motive and the identity of the chap who was stabbed have been given no indication so far determined the Aachen homicide.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Weber, now a striker

Dusseldorf - He is right back. And since Friday he has twice as many goals as the full season assault on the account ...
Christian Weber's free-kick seven minutes before the final whistle roared through by all - well almost. Whether Oliver Fink succeeded in turning the ball still was, even the umpteenth slow motion does not explain crucial.
"I wanted the ball just hard to play in the middle, the most dangerous things are," smiled the newcomer. "He was shot so hard that you can credit me the results quiet, even if there was someone on the ball."
It was the reward for a committed second half, after it had previously worked as good as nothing. "The first half was the worst of the season," admitted Weber. With his hammer in the final stage, he corrected them.
More info: 1:1 - Rata and Weber redeem Fortuna> Fortuna makes dolls dance>