Tuesday, March 16, 2010

It looks bleak for Union

Berlin - in the CDU and CSU descent! The Union is currently losing votes because of their massive rate in economic policy!
The parties were in favor of the voters to its lowest level since July 2006, revealed a "Forsa" survey for the "star". 33% would vote CDU or CSU. The possible coalition partner FDP loses one point to 17% one.
The lousy economy, because of the rescue packages for banks and companies rising national debt - the worries and confusion among citizens, which runs the Union down. 84% say the national debt they were concerned.
Forsa chief Manfred Güllner: "The main reason for the downward trend of the Union is in economic policy." Union supporters (especially medium-sized, self-employed) were confused and went to a large extent to the FDP. Güllner: "Words such as expropriation, nationalization and socialization not fit the view of the core constituency of the Union CDU and CSU. The Union has thus lost part of their identity. "
Budgeteers Otto Fricke (FDP) to EXPRESS: "The Union should take the current poll numbers as an opportunity to finally way back to economic rationality. A first signal may be that ministers Guttenberg on Friday to speak out against the expropriation law. "
Otherwise it might look black with a possible coalition with the FDP. The survey reveals that the Union and liberals are currently at 50%, although still a majority, but have only four percentage points ahead of the SPD with the Greens and the Left Party. The SPD increased by one point and now comes to 24%. The Greens gained one point and are on a par with his left hand at 11%.
Nevertheless, the Chancellor is loud "Forsa" ahead. 48% would opt for Angela Merkel, if they could directly elect the chancellor. One in four would prefer the SPD candidate Frank-Walter Stein Meier.