Thursday, May 27, 2010

Entrance Door representative grabbing girls (15 on)

Mönchengladbach - A representative is in Mönchengladbachein 15 years old girls have bothered. The police are looking for since last Friday for an unknown hawker.
The etwa25 year-old man tried by doorstep, residents move zumWechsel the telephone provider. As the 15-year-old Türöffnete, the man approached her at once lewd and siebegrabscht.
 Then derVertreter has made from the dust and thereby lost documents. DiePolizei found so unterwegswar for which company the man. His name has yet to be determined.
Investigators are hoping that the unknown man last Friday in Odenkirchen, Wetschewell Wickrath and completed one or the other new contract hat.Die Criminal urgently asks for new customers as well as other witnesses, to report at 02161-290.

Friday, May 21, 2010

0-0! Felix Man, that was nothing!

Hoffenheim - Is Felix Magath on Saturday, the championship lead going on? In order for there to weak Schalke Hoffenheim only to a lucky 0-0.
It was a bad game against a strong team Hoffenheim. One point is not beautiful, perhaps not deserve it.
But it's in football, "Magath is there after the game. Even more honest is captain Heiko Westermann: "We have a disastrous first half play and be happy with the point." The vote must be if Hoffenheim goalkeeper Timo Hildebrand admits: "I had to intervene so today."
Quite in contrast to Schalke's Manuel Neuer, who saves with multiple exploits the point. "It was certainly new to, but also to us," coach quarrels TSG Rangnick: "We would actually have to win."
Both teams tried to Fast rotation, but with too many errors. 30 150 spectators in the sold-out arena to see a quarter of an hour the first big chance, but Salihovic tried to use his teammates instead of himself Obasi complete.
Tricky's will in Minute 21: Schalke-Moritz Ibisevic talent attracts the penalty area on his pants, the striker is only in the penalty area. Weiner is Referee free-kick - and probably correctly, as even TSG Manager Schindelmeiser to break the view of the TV images at Sky admits: "The foul occurs before the penalty line."
TSG-Franzi van Almsick precious fan is to break barefoot in front of the camera: "I miss the door to Hoffenheim. Schalke, although sympathetic, but I was already TSG member before the rise! "But the door does not fall. Instead, a lot of nagging. Schalke coach Hollerbach bleats on the platform. The guests can live with the weak point, Hoffenheim is in the basement.
The most important scenes, 'all the statistics for the game

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Europa League next season with five referees

Nassau / Bahamas - The new Champions League season is in derkommenden tentatively played with five referees.
DieEuropäische Football Union UEFA had agreed to the experiment, sagteFIFA President Sepp Blatter on Sunday on the edge of the World Association Exekutivsitzungdes in Nassau in the Bahamas.
Each einUnparteiischer it should stand at one side of the gate and communicate mitdem referee by head-set.
The system was bereitsbei the qualifiers for the U19 European Championship was erfolgreichgetestet.
What do you think? A say in the forum below this article!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Interest rates further to record low

Frankfurt - The European Central Bank (ECB) left on Thursday as the U.S. Federal Reserve and the Bank of England's key interest rate to a record low of 1 percent. Thus the major central banks stick to their policy of cheap money.
The low interest rate loans cheaper for consumers and businesses. In order to stimulate the economy.
All three central banks gave no indication of a date for rate increases. However, the ECB wants to turn off the money tap for the commercial banks and gradually phase out the billion-dollar cash injections. Experts expect until mid-2010 with rate hikes - which would be later than in the U.S..
Reason for the low interest rate is the financial and economic crisis. Premature rate hikes could stifle economic recovery. But it remains a double-edged sword: Rotates the Fed late for the money supply, which threatens inflation. "The uncertainties remain high," Trichet explained the lukewarm attitude of the ECB. The economic upturn is slow and inflation rates were low.
Trichet again appealed to the commercial banks to pass on the low interest rates and cheap money through loans to consumers and businesses. Financial experts, however, complain that the interest rates will not be passed on to consumers. "The banks should do their job," said the Fed chief.
This is compared to the interest of the individual banks

Monday, May 3, 2010

Fear of attacks is growing

Washington --
The latest video threatening the terrorist organization Al Qaeda provides for fear of riots and increased vigilance, the U.S. government has called on American citizens to be vigilant in Germany travels. In the 18 September surfaced Internet embassy had called for the terrorist organization for the immediate withdrawal of all German soldiers. Otherwise, threatened after the election on 27 September, a "rude awakening." Intelligence agencies feared attacks by ground-air missiles in passenger aircraft in Germany. As is true especially high risk of Rhein-Main Airport Frankfurt, they say.
The U.S. Central Intelligence Agency is said to have intercepted radio messages in recent weeks by Al Qaeda.
German security experts estimated the risk of an attack now than dramatic book.
How could the terrorists try to bring about Frankfurt or any other German city a jumbo jet to crash.
Also of interest
Fortress Dusseldorf
Ministry of Interior: "Increased risk situation"